Spedagogy is using research-based practice to improve how we deliver specially designed instruction and school-based therapeutic services.
By creating a meaningful collaboration between administrators, educators, parents and service providers, teams then have the ability to work together on a shared platform to focus on the students and make sure no child is left behind (as well as no service provider). Spedagogy is an entire model built around workload. When a district or campus chooses to implement the Spedagogy model we help facilitate the discussions, establish a shared platform, identify and address barriers to success, support program implementation, and provide ongoing professional development. Utilizing a workload model, collaborative approaches, and evidence based practice, Spedagogy partners with districts to make sure every child receives the education they deserve within a system that optimizes their most valuable resources; their staff.
Optimize use of SLP services
Establish a partnership
Ensure quality outcomes
[sped-uh-goh-jee, -goj-ee]
noun, plural spedagogies.
1. the function or work of a special education teacher; delivering specially designed instruction.
2. the art or science of teaching students with special needs; education; instructional methods.